World Mental Health Day FISHUM 2023

October 10 is celebrated as World Mental Health Day. This warning aims to make the wider community more aware of the importance of maintaining mental health and eliminating the negative stigma surrounding mental health that circulates in society. The public needs to be more aware of issues related to mental health because in fact there are still some people who take this issue for granted. This can be seen from the data uploaded by the Ministry of Health in its 2021 article entitled "Ministry of Health Reveals Mental Health Problems in Indonesia" which shows that 1 in 5 people or 20% of the population in Indonesia has the potential for mental disorders.
In order to maintain and increase awareness regarding mental health, the psychology study program at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is holding a WMHD (World Mental Health Day) event. This event is an annual event which is always held in October. This year, WMHD was held on October 10, Mental Health Day. This event carries the theme "Know Yourself and Manage Your Potential to Achieve Your Dreams". This theme is an alarm for the academic community at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, especially psychology students, so that they can better recognize themselves and develop their potential so that dreams are not just dreams, but are also accompanied by action. This event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mr. Dr. Mochammad Shodiq S. Sos, M. Si; head of psychology study program, Mrs. Lisnawati S.Psi, M.Psi; Head of the psychology laboratory, Mr. Zidni Immawan S.Psi, M.Si and lecturers from the psychology study program.
The concept of WMHD this time is that all participants write their hopes and dreams on the Wall of Hope. There are lots of hopes from students and lecturers displayed on the Wall of Hope, starting from hopes for themselves, other people, even writing a few sentences about loving yourself. With this, it is hoped that it can be a reminder and encourage enthusiasm for writers and readers. Apart from commemorating WMHD, the psychology study program also launched the UPP (Psychological Services Unit). This unit will later provide services to students related to psychological disorders. The existence of this unit also confirms that psychology at UIN Sunan Kalijaga cares and actively participates in mental health issues. It is hoped that this unit can become a place for students to consult, share stories and share all the complaints they feel so that they can become psychologically healthy again and maximize their potential.