Press Release Webinar Read Aloud
The Developmental Psychology Laboratory has held a webinar with the theme "Read Aloud: Fun Stimulation for Early Childhood Development". The event was in collaboration with the Psychology Alumni community of UIN Sunan Kalijaga (ALPIN) where the resource person was one of the Alumni named Sis Navia Fathona Handayani, S.Psi who has received the 2019 LPDP Indonesian Education Scholarship and is currently pursuing a Masters at the UGM Faculty of Psychology.
This webinar event was held on Saturday, August 12 2023. The webinar participants consisted of students and the general public who have an interest in the field of Developmental Psychology.
The event opened with remarks from Mr Zidni Immawan Muslimin, M.Si, Psychologist as Chair of the Psychology Laboratory at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, followed by remarks by Ms Lisnawati, M.Psi, Psychologist who is Chair of the Psychology Study Program at UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
This webinar aims to introduce Read Aloud as a fun activity carried out by reading books aloud to children and carried out consistently, where this activity has many benefits for children's development at an early age, against the background of seeing the fact that literacy in Indonesia is still very low.
The speaker, who is the founder of the Read Aloud Lombok community, presented the importance of getting children to interact with books from an early age. The speaker also conveyed the benefits of Read Aloud for development, the principles that must be followed, and the stages of implementing Read Aloud with young children. The speaker didn't forget to give an example by reading a story book in front of the webinar participants.
Through this webinar, Mrs. Ratna Mustika Handayani, M.Psi, Psychologist as the Person in Charge of the Developmental Psychology Laboratory at UIN Sunan Kalijaga hopes that the activities of the Developmental Psychology Laboratory can provide benefits for students and the general public, one of which is by socializing Read Aloud as a stimulation method for optimal early childhood growth and development.
At the end of the event, webinar participants have the opportunity to ask questions to the presenters as well as participate in discussions about the webinar material so they can share knowledge with each other.