Strengthening of Laboratory
Yogyakarta, 17 October 2023. The development of psychology laboratories has a very important role in the world of education and research. The psychology laboratory is an indispensable tool for psychology students, researchers and practitioners in developing their understanding of human behavior, as well as in testing psychological theories in controlled situations. Apart from that, psychology laboratories also play a key role in advancing psychological science by producing empirical data that can support quality research.
Psychology laboratories allow researchers to conduct experiments, observations, and survey research with rigorous and controlled methods. It helps in gathering empirical evidence necessary to test hypotheses, understand various aspects of human behavior, as well as develop new methods and techniques in the field of psychology. Additionally, psychology labs also allow students to gain practical experience in data collection and analysis, which is an invaluable skill in careers in a variety of fields, including education, business, health, and social services. Thus, the development of a psychology laboratory is an important investment in the advancement of science and better learning in the field of psychology.
This event was attended by Psychology lecturers along with the ranks of Deans within the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Head of Study Program and Secretary of Psychology Study Program. Dr. Moch Sodik, M.Si, gave a speech and opened the event to strengthen the Psychology Laboratory. The resource person at this event was Galang Lufityanto, Ph.D from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in this case representing the Mind, Brain and Behavior Laboratory, Faculty of Psychology, UGM. His explanation was that the current function of laboratories is not only to be a place for practice, but must also support the Tri Dharma activities of higher education, even the latest laboratories can also serve as bridges to practical environments in accordance with existing needs in society and the world of work, of course with reciprocity. Mutual benefits provide benefits for all parties. The event took place with discussion and sharing regarding the experience of the UGM Psychology Laboratory and how it was implemented and adapted if applied to the Psychology Laboratory at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. (Adit)