
Press Release Webinar Read Aloud

The Developmental Psychology Laboratory has held a webinar with the theme "Read Aloud: Fun Stimulation for Early Childhood Development". The event was in collaboration with the Psychology Alumni community of UIN Sunan Kalijaga (ALPIN) where the resource person was one of the Alumni named Sis Navia Fathona Handayani, S.Psi who has received the 2019 LPDP Indonesian Education Scholarship and is curre....

Public lecture

On Friday, October 6 2023, a Public Lecture was held with the theme "The Power of Self Improvement: Success in Achieving a Future Career" at the Convention Hall, Floor 2, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This event was organized by the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities, UIN Sunan Kalijaga and opened directly by Mr. Dr. Mochamad Sodik, M.Sc. as Dean of the Faculty of So....

Strengthening of Laboratory

Yogyakarta, 17 October 2023. The development of psychology laboratories has a very important role in the world of education and research. The psychology laboratory is an indispensable tool for psychology students, researchers and practitioners in developing their understanding of human behavior, as well as in testing psychological theories in controlled situations. Apart from that, psychology labo....

World Mental Health Day FISHUM 2023

October 10 is celebrated as World Mental Health Day. This warning aims to make the wider community more aware of the importance of maintaining mental health and eliminating the negative stigma surrounding mental health that circulates in society. The public needs to be more aware of issues related to mental health because in fact there are still some people who take this issue for granted. This ca....