Public lecture

On Friday, October 6 2023, a Public Lecture was held with the theme "The Power of Self Improvement: Success in Achieving a Future Career" at the Convention Hall, Floor 2, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This event was organized by the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities, UIN Sunan Kalijaga and opened directly by Mr. Dr. Mochamad Sodik, M.Sc. as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Before the event started, Mrs. Lisnawati, M.Psi., Psychologist as the Head of the Psychology Study Program at FISHUM UIN Sunan Kalijaga gave her speech and expressed her hopes for this public lecture. Furthermore, as moderator at the public lecture event on this occasion, Mrs. Sabiqotul Husna, S.Psi., M.Sc as Lecturer in the Psychology Study Program at FISHUM UIN Sunan Kalijaga.

This public lecture was presented by resource person Mrs. Okina Fitriani, S.Psi., M.A., Psychologist. a psychology practitioner and founder of Enlightening Parenting, Neuroscience & Human Resources, and Raka Alifiar Gunarto, MEng, Bsc Computer Science who is the biological son of Mrs. Okina Fitriani herself. This event was attended by all UIN psychology students in 2023, as well as several students from the 2019 to 2022 classes. This public lecture aims to provide benefits to students in achieving career success in the future through self-improvement.

The material presented in this public lecture is very insightful and useful for students, such as discussions about what can be achieved when studying psychology, current developments in the world of work, and the transformation of the career world. Apart from that, Mrs. Okina Fitriani, S.Psi., M.A., Psychologist explained in detail what the opportunities are for today's young people, especially students, so that they can build a career in the future. This section also explains what values must be possessed to support successful career achievement. Mrs. Okina said that mental agility is needed in facing future challenges. Apart from that, Mrs. Okina also gave an overview of the soft skills that must be possessed nowadays. Then he gave an example of a career roadmap which could be an illustration for students in building their careers in stages. In his delivery, he emphasized that to achieve a successful career, self-improvement is needed which must start from now. In the next session, Mas Raka Gunarto conveyed his extraordinary experience in his current career journey. What was extraordinary was that he conveyed his experiences in English

The event on this occasion was extraordinary, the knowledge and experience provided were very useful, and coupled with the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the students who took part in this public lecture, this event ran smoothly and lively. At the end of the event, namely the question and answer session, it went very well because there was quite a lot of enthusiasm from students who wanted to ask questions, some even did not have the opportunity to ask questions due to time constraints, which indicates that students were paying close attention to this public lecture and were even accompanied by extraordinary enthusiasm. .

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