
Open Recruitment for Psychology Services Unit

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Good news for Psychology Study Program students :) After being on hiatus for some time, finally the Psychological Services Unit (UPP) of the Psychology Study Program at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities will re-open!!! Come be part of the Psychological Services Unit to become an agent for promotion, prevention, curation and psychologi....

Psychological service unit counseling service flow

Assalamualaikum wr. wb Do you feel demotivated during college? Or do you have difficulty making friends? Maybe you feel like you have other problems that are difficult to tell your friends/family? Don't worry, we from the Psychological Services Unit (UPP) will soon be here with one of the services, namely counseling. So, when does it start? Starting in November 2023 we are ready ....